Their need to be together was tearing them all apart, and the glue holding them together was weakening day after day - "Listen to the wind blow/ down comes the night". Everyone wanting to get away - to "run in the shadows". Everyone fighting, everyone wanting nothing more that to get away from everyone else. "Listen to the wind blow" could refer to the turmoil the band was in day in and day out. The energy and passion shown in their music was being consumed by disagreements, finally resulting in Lindsey’s departure. The discord between Stevie and Lindsey, Christine and John, and the endless fighting within the group took a terrible toll on the band. The lyrics also ring true when including all the members Fleetwood Mac as the focus of "The Chain". Her total rage toward him over leaving climaxes in the lyrics "I can still hear you saying/You would never break the Chain". They need to "break the silence" and start communicating, but instead he lies and finally "breaks the chain" between them. She loves him and he loves her, yet they can’t get along and she feels betrayed because he is the one who is leaving the relationship. She might have given a clue to her desire to be away from him and the rest of the band when she writes " run in the shadows" and "damn you love/ damn you lies".

" And if you don’t love me now/ you will never love me again" could be a warning to Lindsey to be sure that breaking up is what he wants because he will never get another chance to love her, or simply that she knows their time is running out and she knew it was time to decide to stay together or go their separate ways. This can be found in the lyrics "listen to the wind blow, watch the sun rise" and ".down comes the night". The Chain can easily be interpreted as the written expression of love, anger, hate and frustration toward Stevie and Lindsey’s torn relationship and their inability to communicate and interact with each other on a daily basis. Did Stevie write The Chain as a way to vent her frustration and anger over her shattered relationship with Lindsey Buckingham, or is it a statement about the fragile links between the five members of Fleetwood Mac and their need to stay together for each other and for the sake of the band - or some of both? What is in doubt, however, is the focus of these lyrics. Undoubtedly this song speaks volumes about bitter feelings, a wavering relationship, and the need to keep the links in the chain together. The Chain is the never ending tie that bound the band together in the past and binds them together now and, hopefully, well into the future. With lyrics from Stevie Nicks and music from the rest of the band, The Chain has become the anthem of Fleetwood Mac. Lindsey Buckingham, Mick Fleetwood, Stevie Nicks, Christine McVie, John McVieĬontributors to this interpretation included Stewy, Lauren Leichter, Thom, Gretchen, Janet, and Lisa.